Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My feet and Hands are freezing

But I'm going to post anyway. I need to. Jack got the job at CR England (I've added a link to the company's history page-so wonderful-check it out). I am so thrilled. Less work and more money for a company that TRIES to make their employees happy! They not only care about making their people happy, they put it in action! They provide fitness opportunities, vacation time, really cool amenities- it's just really really neat. I have to say that the last two and a half weeks have possibly been the best I've ever had. I'm pretty sure I could die a happy woman. Here's what my past weeks have looked like:
Feb 4- I interviewed at the Cottage Retreat Day Spa @ Gardner Village (got the job)
Feb 5-craft day (the day jack was laid off. as a note they waited until 4:45pm to finally tell jack, go ahead and pack it up we'll finalize things on monday)
Feb 6- Walked from our house to the Magna Library then over to Smiths and the Dollar Store as a family! Such a total blast! It was about 3 miles...go us. half up hill. yeah baby.
Feb 7-superbowl party
Feb 8- Really Really Great family night with corban. Jack's childhood pet, Jasper, had to be put to sleep that day so we had a lesson on the plan of salvation with Corban, he absorbed all of it.
Feb 9- Corban's playschool-that he loves more than anything in the world.
Feb 10- Did some hair appointments :)
Feb 11- Had the missionaries over for dinner
Feb 12-13 Girls weekend @ my aunt Jean's house. I got to make a fun apron, and do lots of fun scalp treatments. SANS my sons!!!
Feb 14-Corban gave his first talk in primary-SOOO darling. He loves the spotlight. Jack and the boys made me the cutest Valentine EVER. He made wonderful dinner too!
Feb 16-Gabe's First Birthday!!!
Feb 17-Jack had his first interview @ CR England, I did some hair appointments
Feb 19- Our ward Provident Living Night with Liesa Card. We had nearly 50 people attend! It was wonderful!!
Feb 20- I was able to do TONS of hair appointments all day- just the way I LIKE it. Jack's ward b-ball team made it to the finals or whatever for winning their game that morning. Me and the boys went up to my folks to hang out so jack could have a guys night.
Feb 21- we went to a family party at my aunt Marta's. Super yummy food, really fun games.
Feb 23- We had Playgroup at our house- we talked about how plants grow, they planted their own sunflowers to take home, Jay and Florence let me bring the whole bunch of kids over to see where carrots grow- jay and the kids dug some up (they let them stay in the ground through the whole winter so they get to be MASSIVE!) and let the kids all help rinse them and he let them eat one of the small ones. We had chopped one of the giant ones up into carrot sticks for them in little baggies for their snack. After the kids all went home we all took naps then drove out to the target in Jordan Landing. After target we ate at In N Out Burger.
ALL THIS WITH MY HUSBAND HOME-HANGING OUT, HELPING WITH EVERYTHING!! I think I changed like 5 diapers in the last 2 1/2 weeks.
Duh. I could totally die a happy woman.
sorry I bragged. I just had to.
***thank you for all the prayers on our behalf. the only reason that this was such a wonderful time without work is because we could constantly feel the comfort of the Holy Ghost. We never once felt as though we'd be in trouble. We felt totally at peace. So thank you. For your thoughts, prayers and for keeping your eyes open for jobs for jack.


Holli said...

Yay for new jobs! That is so awesome! I am so sad Sam missed playgroup- I am sure the kids had a blast, plus Jay & Florence are amazing. Love them!

princess jen said...

So glad that everything is working out for you. The Lord is truly amazing and knows exactly what we need! I'm super excited that you are working at Cottage Retreat. Alan got me a gift card there and I still have some money left on it that I hope to be able to use when I get back. You are a great addition to their incredible facility!

The Larsens