Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I promise I am still wanting to do this whole bloggy thing, I'm just in california at the moment. I'll post a doosie when I get back with the whole trip report and pics and such. love ya'll

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's off to c-ville I go....

We didn't end up going to the corn maze after all. Did you people see the weather??? Freezing! and Muddy, but we can cope just fine with mud, just not the freezing part for the kido's. Anyway, I forgot my digital camera in orem so I can't show the pictures of the mess I ran away from. Lets just put it this way: Tissue boxes are now emptied, Jack's Halo 3 sheets are now strewn across the living room, and my markers that I was letting corban draw with yesterday are now also strewn across the entire front half of the apartment. (and that's just the stuff that corban did-not any of jack's or my mess....) I'll try to put up some more recent pictures of my little slobber monster when I get back to my humble abode, but that won't be until after sunday evening. I know you'll be on the edge of your seats but bare with me on this one.
Oh, as a note I'd love to get some of the links to all y'all's sites so that I can keep in touch. (did you enjoy the grammar on that one? I figured that ben is trying to incorporate words like y'all into his speech so I'd give it a go.) just email me your links. Thanks a lot. ttyl.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Corn mazes and crepes

YAY! it's jack's day off today so I actually can write on this thing during the day! We slept in as long as corban would let us but he wanted to play so we had to get up. (when I say 'we' I'm referring to the fact that my sweet hubby got up with corban and took him into the living room to play while leaving me alone in bed to sleep for another 2 hours!!!) THEN jack made crepe's for breakfast while I fed the little bug. Yes I know I'm spoiled rotten. And you know why I don't cook? because jack is an amazing chef. The end. There's no if ands or butts about it. Anyway we're going to go to a corn maze tonight and we're thrilled, I think it'll be way fun!
I went to dinner with my ladies last night (grandma anderson and deann). We started out by going to fazolli's for dinner but didn't actually eat anything because their furnace was broken so it was a little freezing. We went to carrabba's instead to eat. It was yummy, but unfortunately we had a new server....she wasnt' all that grand unfortunately; but it was only her first week working so I'll give her another try a little down the road. After dinner we raced over to the dollar movie theater behind the university mall to see Hairspray with john travolta. DeAnn and I were in the line together while Grandma was parking her car, then she insisted that we just go in and find our seats while she get the tickets. DeAnn and I went into the theater (without our tickets mind you) and tried to find some seats in the almost completely full theater-who'da thunk? After rearranging two rows of people to find our three little seats Grandma came in to find us. She sat next to me and said that they wouldn't sell her any tickets because it was a sold out theater...he hehe, but there we were with seats so she just said that she'd pay them afterwards. So it wasn't stealing or anything. ;) Corban absolutely loved the movie! He kept bouncin' up and down on my lap just dancin and dancin to all the songs in the movie. He even tried to sing along a few times. Although he was so happy about the movie there were a few times I had to stand up in the back with him just because he was squealing so much in delight that it was starting to disturb others I'm sure. And that's not counting the 5 or so minutes when he was intent upon "giving loves" and or slobbering all over my face, from cheeks to collar bones I was drenched with baby slobber. He's such a goon. always slobbery. I'll prove it. here's what he looks like right now:
See the Puddle on the top HALF of his onesie??

See the bubble??? (on his chin) ha ha...good times.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

entertainment choices

I am quite sure that I'm sick of all the crappy tv shows they keep airing season after season. Lets look at the choices that have been on this evening. (Keep in mind that I get just the regular programing 2-13, and most of the time channels 2-5 are fuzzy, and completely cut out the rest of the time) There was a nice show on abc this evening called Frosted Pink (check it out at www.frostedpink.org which was about raising awareness about women's cancers. It was a total tear jerker...wonderful, no really I was really enjoying the touching side of tv, then my tv crashed. By the time it was working again (after playing many a game of zuma) Frosted Pink was over. I am left with the following options for the rest of the evening:

  • Football-not too bad (but it's not the broncos...boo.)
  • Simpsons-trash
  • Simpsons-more trash these days
  • King of the Hill-they had boomhauer in daisy duke shorts-eww.
  • Family Guy-needs no commentary or explanation

So, the kido's asleep, I've already tried making lunch sac puppets to fill the hole of boredom so I obviously can't do that...I've already trimmed corban's hair tonight so I can't do that...Still don't have any white thread to finish my quiet book for corban so I can't work on that...In summation I believe that all this boredom is tv's fault. just kidding I'm just really tired of how cruddy it all is and I'm also quite bored of the plethora of movies we own. Oh, and I can't install a really old game on my computer that my mom found at her house, I guess its too old for this computer. I'm really thinking I need to learn how to actually use a computer better. Then I'd have lots to do! Wow. sorry about this post...it's lame I know but its a post none the less. corban's awake. ttyl.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

So....blogging huh?

Everyone seems to be blogging these days so why not me? Like afore (sp?) mentioned there's a mess; I don't enjoy cleaning (especially since I really went to town cleaning yesterday...), and I'm a great procrastinator. So, the baby's asleep, Jack's still at Carrabba's, and I'm putting my foot down about this cleaning thing. Viola! a new hobby is born. I think that I'd like to add a recipe sharing section to this site but because I'm new to this game it'll have to wait until I figure out more of it. Let me know if you know how (you being anyone that actually decides to read this waste of my time). Any who, I'm going to fiddle around some more with what the site actually looks like. Arivaderchi (again with the sp?).

The Larsens