Monday, January 19, 2009

so there I was...

about to do a brand new background and a brand spankin new post and amaze you all with how beautiful the new page looked and WHAMO! none of the things I downloaded after sifting through crazy ugly pages worked. They all had "unfixable errors" or some crud that I don't know enough to fix. lame. I did get all the christmas photos loaded into the computer and started fixing them up...but I'm tired. and not done at all. so no pics. no new background. I'm still alive though.

and ps. this pregnancy is still going on...much to my dismay and the insomnia of jack...cross your fingers for like two weeks early okay??? for me??? and for my husbands sleep??? I'm not kidding. he'll get more sleep when this baby is out of my tummy than when it's in here because I'm apparently abusive as a pregnant sleeping person...

1 comment:

Emily said...

Glad to hear you're alive! When you get some energy, post some pics! :)

The Larsens