Friday, May 27, 2011

My sweet gabey baby.

I love me some gabey goodness. He is such a little goof ball. He's sweet and funny, and just more and more fun every day. He's just blossoming with his language skillz and I'm pretty sure his only motivation is so that he can keep up with corban. So here's his latest funny. real people words will be in parenthasis.

Tonight at dinner we were all sitting and eating and he was saying "yook and my yeg!" (look at my leg) so I was trying to help him say the L sound. So my mom and I start going LLLLLLL and sticking our tounge out a bit so he can see what we're doing and copy it. Corban joined in going la la la la la la...and then jack and my dad also joined the L party. We started trying to have him go: llllllllllleg, or la la la leg. He tried it a few times and realized we'd cheer and make a fool of ourselves when he succeeded with the L sound so we started saying other L words like Larsen, and Love, etc. after a minute he wanted us to all cheer again because we were all doing the L sound again for him but he counldn't remember what L word started this whole thing so as soon as we all paused for him to say "leg" he said: "lalalalallllllllfeet!!!"
I could have died laughing. we were all in tears laughing and gabe started fake laughing because he couldn't figure out why we were laughing. Love that boy.

*by the by* we sold our pilot on we're car shopping on the worst car shopping weekend in the world...yikes. I say worst just because all the used car salesmen are out in full force to get you to buy more than you ask for around every corner. tragic. wish us luck!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What I wish I'd known

So I keep feeling like there's a reason I've been from here to there in my parenting roller coaster. I keep feeling like there's someone that could benefit from hearing about the pro's and con's of all the different things I've learned along the way.

I think mostly I'd love to share my info about the pro's and con's of:

  • Natural labor vs epidural aided labor

  • Dr. vs Midwife

  • Breastfeeding vs Bottle

  • Disposable diapers vs Cloth diapers (I granola?!?...!!!)

Sounds like I've been there and back right? I almost feel like I need to have a nice little girls night that is meant for moms and soon to be moms to just talk about that- being mom! No selling, no buying, no pressure, just ladies talking about stuff they NEED to talk about. Take things off the "do not discuss" list- that sort of thing. I don't know. do I sound crazy?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mi Madre

This is my mom. The woman that has taught me everything I know. Everything I know about being patient. Being Loving. Being Kind. Being Happy. I love and appreciate her so much. She is the epitome of selfless. I know my friends and neighbors know this to be true because she's constantly helping me with all my little issues, kids, or callings. She gives and gives and gives- without any thought to how much she has to accomplish that day, or week. The women of the Park Ward are lucky to have her as their Relief Society President. I don't know a woman that has more heart to give. Her testimony is strong and stalwart. She is faithful through and through. She is smart, talented and beautiful. I couldn't ask for a better mom. She is an amazing pianist, teacher, and book keeper. She is my go to when my kids are getting out of control. She is so knowledgeable about adhd and how to treat and handle it. She has volunteered innumerable hours to CHADD in helping parents that are new to the world of adhd. I can remember multiple calls every evening that she'd sit on the phone listening and consoling parents of children that were struggling with everything and didn't know where else to turn. I can remember all the time and effort she'd put in to helping us with school projects and making THE BEST ever diorama's in the world. I love her and only hope that I can be some semblance of a mother like her. I appreciate all she's done for me and I hope I can return the favor some day.

Love you Mom!

The Larsens