not like an "oh!" like a real full on horror movie screech (maybe I could make money selling my awesome scream...). For reals. Allow me to explain.
Gabe and Corban had just finished eating breakfast and I had just finished wiping Gabe down so he could go play. I took my new magazine to the couch and was ready to just let the kids watch some cartoons and play while I put my feet up. Gabe played for a minute then I heard him walk down our hall to go get something else to play with. He does this almost every day- goes into his room and finds two toys, one for him and one for me. Sweetest thing ever I know. He usually comes out with books, or cars, or stuffed animals. If he brings me stuffed animals he walks up making cute high pitched noises-kinda baby talkish-totally sweet. Today I had my magazine in front of face when he walked up to me. He started making the cutesy noises so I put my magazine down as I was starting to ask "oh what did you bring me??" He holds his hands out with only one fuzzy thing. As my eyes try to make sense of what he's holding I realize it's a real mouse.
****insert full on scream****

My son found a DEAD field mouse somewhere in my home!!!! I quickly grabbed a tissue and took the mouse to the garbage and washed our hands. Possibly three to four times...
This makes me question a few things:
1-why was it dead?
2-where on earth did he find it?? (he kept taking me to the garbage when I was asking him where he found it.)
3-am I really that bad of a housekeeper?!?
4-how much does a maid cost?
5-why was it so huge? It looked to be so well fed-but it was dead...
6-why would I be less freaked out if I found it alive?
7-why hadn't we heard the mouse? or found any "evidence" of it's residency in our home????
total willies.
we will be deep cleaning tonight.
wiping down walls and floors with bleach. possibly the ceilings too....
I think I want to buy a Kirby vacuum right this second...
washing all clothes that we own....
and wearing gloves the WHOLE time. maybe two pairs.
Oh. My. Gosh. *Shudder*
*EWW EWW EWW!!!!* So not fun!!! Call me if ya want to send the boys here for an hour or two for your deep clean mission!!! - oh, and I definitely think finding one ALIVE would be ten times worse!! -
Yikes!! I would probably do exactly the same thing! No your house isnt dirty because you had a mouse. Mice can get into anyones house. I would do the same thing you did and wash everything down. Sorry hun.
We've had mice a few times. It's the grossest thing ever. Yuck. They always seem to appear in Anya's room (running across) and she screams. We put out traps and then we catch them in our sub-basement.
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