Anyway, the reason for the post is this: vote. tell me yay or nay and your reasoning! I really really want one. here are my pros: I miss having a kitty around. I love how sweet and usually very intuitive all my cats have been. cons: jack's not a huge cat person (but he insists that he's ready for a cat), I worry about my kids (either torturing it or getting hurt by the kitty in self defense), I worry about having an inside cat + salon in my house....please vote. I need some opinions here.
PS-there are plenty of FREE kitties on ksl that are declawed, spayed/neutered, adults or kittens. vote on those options too...
Do it! I'd go for an older cat (not a kitten). Btw those soft paw things are hilarious! Love em!
My advise is yes - get the kitty, but not quite yet.
Max is super sweet and gentle with pets, until they're his own, apparantely! We got a bunny for Christmas and he has already dropped it down the stairs, hurting it's little paws pretty good. :(
When I was a teenager, I got a kitten, and my sisters were the same age as my boys, and somehow it got stepped on and died. It was seriously THE SADDEST thing everrrrrrr! My Mom and I just cried and cried, watching it suffer...
I just think it's too hard to watch kids this young enough to trust them with a small animal. Unless it's in a cage, and even then it's hard!
I know your dilema though!
You know I was just thinking the other day that I missed having a kitty. We had one when we were first married and I miss him still. Then we ran over one this weekend. It was bad. still want one though
I'll be the nay-sayer. I'm not sure if animals are compatible with places of business. It may limit your clientele, esp. those who have allergies.
We want a kitty some day too - and the advice that I give to myself is wait until the kids are all over the age of 5. They will be in school and the right age to actually understand having a pet. I think that I will actually get to enjoy the kitty too, because I won't be constantly changing diapers and potty training. I hope that make sense!
I'm definitely not the person to ask, so I'm not sure why I'm voting! We are not animal people, and definitely not cat people. Allergies are something to consider for the salon though. Every time we go to Matt's aunts house I feel like I'm going to die!!
I am a nay. I dont like cats. They totally gross me out. I think its the whole they poop in the house and stink it up, then you get to clean up after them. Cleaning up after my boys is bad enough. I dont even like having my dogs I have now.
The kids are definitely too young, they would be hurting the poor thing.
As far as your business, I would say no. For allergies, cleanliness, so many reasons.
If you do get one, definitely get one that is grown and mature, that is use to being around children.
I would have to vote no because of the home business. Being a person with allergies I will actually avoid houses that have cats since just 20 mins in a house with a cat can be horrid.
Hmmm... that's a tough one! My initial instincts would be yes, only because we are avid animal lovers and I wish we could have a kitty. (I don't think Odie would like it very much... even if we named it Garfield haha!) I also think having pets is a great thing for the kids- Sam already has a few responsibilities when it comes to Odie- his main job is to feed him and he takes great pride in that! BUT, there would be concerns for you if you guys want anymore little ones since you wouldn't be able to clean out the litter box, and there have been a few people that already mentioned the allergies thing.
So, I probably wasn't a lot of help at all! Sorry!:)
Oh my... if you want my opinion you are going to have to call me! lol. There is way to much to type here! In short my answer is DO IT.... but think REALLY REALLY REALLY HARD about it first!
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