Saturday, February 14, 2009

Don't have a heart attack...

I know it's surprising to see...but I think I'll do a new post real quick to update you people. The past 3 weeks have been spent: taking care of corban's double ear, eye, and sinus infection, taking care of my sinus infection, taking care of jack's cold, and taking care of corban's stomach flu bug the last two days. I've been able to venture out a few times to some fun things though: Claudia's bridal shower, have some ladies in for the night to help with baby clothes, and some dinner dates. So all in all we're all alive.
As a pregnancy update: as of Thursday we have scheduled an induction for Thursday Feb 19 if he doesn't come before then. I'm partially dilated and effaced so either way by Thursday we'll be parents of two silly little boys. (and a stupid dog...) {and my kitty that I grew up with may be dead someplace because she's been missing for almost 5 days :( }
Anyway, that's about it, it's valentines day and I'm going to go spend time with my hubby.
happy valentines day


Emily said...

Sorry you guys have been so sick! Hopefully, that means you'll all be healthy and happy when the baby gets here. Can't wait!! :)

Emily said...

I heard there's a new baby!!! Hope everything went well and you are resting peacefully! I'll be holding out for pics and the details! :)

The Larsens