Good: sitting in the rocking chair, snuggling up with his blanket. smiling and kinda babbling under his pacifier.
I took the picture because I was so pleased with how sweet, calm, and just plain good he was being.
not 7 minutes later: same rocking chair, same child, not same attitude.
Bad: dumping out my little herb green house. (The one that I've been growing and nourishing since the end of January...the one that I was going to photograph tonight to prove I wasn't killing something green... instead I'm showing the scene of the crime.)I promise...I was taking care of those little plants and corban loved helping me water the "babies" every day, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't sabotage, but I was so proud that I hadn't killed them or anything! "ahh! my babies! my poor, poor, little poopsies." (ha, I've always wanted to use that line. name the movie)
"The Little Mermaid"! Thats the movie... whoo hoo! Sorry about your plants.... but Corban is so cute in that video!!! =)
Coban is growing very fast and is very cute. We all sat here and watched the video. Be gald your plants weren't big enough for him to fling them around. We love all of you.
Love, Mom
Don't ya just LOVE the little STINKERS!!!! Corban is TOO CUTE!! Love the video of him!!! Sorry your plants met a fatal end! LOL
That movie is so cute!
Oh, in case you're wondering, I'm blog surfing and got here through Heidi. :)
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