Life is messy- and mine seems to be especially so- let it be messy.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Ode to my hubby.
anywho, I strayed off this page for a bit to look up some random stuff on the web and found a few interesting tid bits that people might have interest in if you are planning any road trips, or anything Disney related. The first three are all part of one article I believe. I just love how this lady writes, and the last one is the Disney one. enjoy.
Web surfin' USA. in my vote: best road trip idea EVER...Foodie road trip. Ways to do a road trip without breaking the bank. A road map to back seat peace. Discounts for all things Disney.
Monday, March 24, 2008
New Tricks
Thursday, March 20, 2008
One more thing
Good Vs. Evil
Good: sitting in the rocking chair, snuggling up with his blanket. smiling and kinda babbling under his pacifier.
I took the picture because I was so pleased with how sweet, calm, and just plain good he was being.
not 7 minutes later: same rocking chair, same child, not same attitude.
Bad: dumping out my little herb green house. (The one that I've been growing and nourishing since the end of January...the one that I was going to photograph tonight to prove I wasn't killing something green... instead I'm showing the scene of the crime.)I promise...I was taking care of those little plants and corban loved helping me water the "babies" every day, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't sabotage, but I was so proud that I hadn't killed them or anything! "ahh! my babies! my poor, poor, little poopsies." (ha, I've always wanted to use that line. name the movie)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
"You dumped out the whole loaf??"
Anyway, I just kinda have this desire to post about a whole hodge podge (for lack of a better way to phrase it) of things that have been on my mind. Spring usually does that to me. Here we go: Does anyone else every really really really want to throw caution to the wind and take an impromptu road trip someplace??? Someone always comes along when I'm thinking this and rains a whole bunch of "responsibility" on me. I don't know whether this desire comes from being a stay at home mom and wanting to go on a new adventure with my little heathen, or wanting to see how much car time corban can really stand being an angel, or if it's just simply I've been on one and only one road trip that was completely wonderful (even if I was nauseated almost the whole trip because I was about 12 weeks pregnant). I just don't know the reasoning, but I am just hankerin for a road trip. HEY I just had a thought! maybe it's me missing the road trips to places like lake powell and yellowstone. Those were always the greatest. Family+cousins+warheads (usually) =good times.
next item on my mind: jack is officially leaving Carrabba's. They (jack and carrabba's as an entity) are leaving each other on good terms. That's pretty much all I can "officially" tell about but there will be more to come as far as dates that he's actually leaving, and a new job and such but just so you don't worry, he has a prospect in the works right now that is quote "80 percent sure things will work out on our end" (perspective employer said to jack on the phone).
Next: our contract is up on april 30th and if we want to stay for another year we'd have to sign a 15 month contract on top of the extra 100 bucks a month they're upping the rent. In other words, we can't afford that extra 100 bucks on top of the extra 150 a month we're payin in my fun appendicitis experience. To make a long subject longer: we're moving. don't know where exactly. but we're moving come the end of april.
Kinda next but mostly connected to the last one is that we're super super house hungry. I think that's pretty self explanitory: House Hungry.
You think this is a long enough post? I think yes. I hope you've enjoyed the ramblings of an unorganized crazy person.
any comments on house hunting or apartments in the greater salt lake area (including the draper and more westward valley) would be greatly appreciated!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I'll tell you what...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Girls night
Monday, March 3, 2008
silly boys
He just started doing this all on his own the other night so we laughed and clapped to encourage him until I could get some on my camera phone. I'm not sure if he's the ham for attention or we're just too easy a crowd... ;)
Okee doke I'm doing my long overdue "tagged duties" and I'll add some latest corban pics!
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Clean flix (personal fav...get paid to watch whatever I want while doing nothing else!!! and take home whatever four movies I wanted at a time as long as I'd like for free??? it was a slow slow store.)
2. Viewmont Child Care Center (crazy underpaid....)
3. Express (loved loved loved getting a discount on their clothes and loved working retail!)
4. Adventure Time (another child care position which was a hoot but sad because not a single child in the zebra's class (3-4 yr olds) that I'd sub in had a dad living at home.
Four movies I would (or have) watch over and over:
1. You've got mail (cliche I know)
2. Cars (for corban's sake)
3. Pillow Talk (woot woo rock hudson....)
4. Notting Hill (I have to get rid of it because corban's starting to copy cat things he hears in movies and those brits just don't use the same manners when it comes to the f word...)
Four places I have lived:
1. (this is going to be saaaaad.)
2. Orem, UT
3. Centerville, UT
4. why are you still hangin around this question silly? I'm done....sad I know.
Four TV Shows that I watch:
1. House
2. The Office (when my grandma invites me over for a girls night which is one of my absolute favvvvvs)
3. Everybody loves Raymond (did I mention our tv's busted so I can only watch old seasons of this stuff on DVD?)
4. Used to love America's next top model when I could watch it
Four places I have been:
1. San Fransisco
2. Oahu, HA
3. Zions
4. Yellow Stone (in the wintertime on snowmobiles best vacation ever!)
People who email me (regularly):
1. Mom
2. Grandma A
3. DeAnn
4. Facebook crazies...
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Mac and Cheese. yes I'm coming out of the closet.
2. Chocolate-any and EVERY kind!!!
3. anything expensive and really pretty and small ;)
4. King Crab from Flemmings...their butter reduction is heavenly...
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. getting a massage I've never had one but my back is voting that I try it out.
2. sitting in a clean apartment? (that I didn't have to clean)
3. Hawaii (my lucky in-laws are there right now, I offered to join them.)
4. Getting any other spa treatment
Four Things I am looking forward to in 2008:
1. getting jack away from carrabba's!!!!!!!!!!! I just broke my exclamation point button...jk
2. i would say paying off my appendectomy but that's not until march 2009 *tear*
3. finding out more of what corban has to say (he really really really wants to talk!)
4. the half way mark for ben's mission!
Four friends I tag:
1. Tina
2. Gwyn
3. Sara Davia
4. Kristen Phillips
*copy and paste then delete my answers and put your own down*
Now that I'm finished with feeling guilty for not playing tag we can move on :) here are my two cute boys when we were all driving down to utah county for my cousin erica's wedding. Take note that this was a short lived sweet moment between the two of them because corban thinks that when I tell same "No!" I'm hitting him, (which I'm not), so now he thinks it's funny to smack my puppy....we're working on it though, and sam is being better than you could ever expect a 9 month old puppy to be. he just kinda squints and flinches when corban's smackin him. poor guy.
Oh I have one more video to add of these two yahoo's. It's off of my phone so I can't guarantee that it'll be very clear but here are the basics. I bought corban a hand held bubble blower that has a little fan so it makes a little whirring noise if you push the button. Sam doesn't like the sound of it and tries to kinda hide from it (he's kind of a wussy puppy when it comes to unfamiliar sights and sounds) while corban wants to play "chase the puppy" which is a game where we chase Sam around the table and bark and he runs all over too. Diagram that sentence. ha.
The Larsens
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