Life is messy- and mine seems to be especially so- let it be messy.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Sharing Time
Definition of Dupuytren's contracture:
Dupuytren's contracture is an uncommon hand deformity in which the connective tissue under the skin of your palm contracts and toughens over time.
Knots of tissue form under the skin, eventually forming a thick cord that can pull one or more of your fingers into a bent position. Once this occurs, the fingers affected by Dupuytren's contracture bend normally but they can't be straightened completely, making it difficult to use your hand. Dupuytren's contracture can complicate everyday activities such as placing your hands in your pockets, putting on gloves or shaking hands. (along with typing, doing a high five, anything where you'd need to straighten your finger or stretch your pinky to the side)
Dupuytren's contracture is rarely painful, though sometimes the bumps of tissue on your palm can be sensitive to touch. Various treatments are available for Dupuytren's contracture to slow its progression and relieve your symptoms.

So this is an illustration of where they cut in order to remove all of the bad tissues and things:
Monday, November 17, 2008
I'm scared...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
such a sponge!
Last night he knocked on his door and said: "Hello? mom? it's a bunny."
I responded "did you find a bunny?"
Corban: "Yeah it's a bunny!" (then you hear his little feet run away to go play again)
A few minutes later I hear: Knock knock "Hello?"
Me: "Yes?"
Corban: "It's the pizza man!!!"
Me: "What did you just say????" (while I'm opening the door laughing)
Corban: "IT'S THE PIZZA MAN!!!"
Me: rolling on the floor laughing my butt off and trying to figure out where he came up with "it's the pizza man!!!". {Later I realized that in the movie Madagascar Alex the lion says something about being a pizza man and considering that he watched it earlier that day I'd bet it was from that.}
Since that little experience he's been sent to his room two other times to play and both times he tried saying that line again in hopes that I'd immediately come open the door again. Little stinker learns so fast. Just because that got him out of his room so quickly that one time he assumed he should try that trick again. After trying it twice more and it not working he's given up on it again.
***And no, I don't order pizza often enough for him to think that's really what they say, even if I would love to be able to order pizza that often ;) Especially because the domino's by our house does a mighty fine job on their pizza's...***
Thursday, October 30, 2008
testing 1...2...3
Monday, October 27, 2008
Socks are what- $5 bucks for a six pack???
This is two people on a mission to provide socks for the homeless folks around town and I think that we need to offer the help that we can~! They are a non profit organization and they are doing a "sock hop" in order to collect donations on November 8.
Sock Hop!
Bring packages of new socks to donate, enjoy delicious pizza &
dance the night away.
Nov. 8, 2008
6-9 pm
Z Pizzeria
3295 S. 2000 E.
Salt Lake City, UT
How much fun does that sound for a family activity??? And PS we can ALLLLL go without one of our little goodies during the weeks before this in order to provide someone less fortunate than ourselves with something as simple as SOCKS-no matter your financial situation right?! Take away a McD's trip (or hot cocoa in my case...) one day and you're bound to have the $ for a pack of socks to donate. (Too bad they aren't collecting halloween candy because I'm sure to still have leftovers from our party) I hope this doesn't come across badly for anyone, or pressuring in the wrong way. Anyway, I'd love to go and I'd love to see friendly faces too-let me know if anyone is interested.
It's a boy!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Random pictures that must be shared.
Friday, October 10, 2008
GAH! Tagged!?!
1. Senior in high school ha...serious.
2. Working at Clean Flicks (good times: free movies, get paid to sit and watch movies and help the occasional customer pick out a membership plan)
3. Dating all sorts of..."savory individuals" ;)
4. Pretty much slacking off in EVERY class-except for art and guitar
5. Sleeping as much as possible
Things on my list for today....
1. Go make Soap
2. Tackle another box to unpack
3. Make Dinner for fam coming over
4. Tackle another box to unpack
5. Pack for Colorado (nana's funeral services at fort logan)
5 Snacks I enjoy....
1. Chocolate
2. Cheese
3. Cake
4. Cookies
5. Pretty much anything that gives ya heartburn, anything fried, anything cooked, anything baked, and anything frozen. (ha...sound like a pregnant woman or something?)
5 Things I would do if I was a millionaire...
1. Redo our kitchen
2. Turn our garage into a salon
3. Remove our poor dead cherry tree
4. Buy a new car
5. Put the rest in savings (possibly under a rock considering banking and/or investing is so scary right now)
5 Places I have lived....
1. Centerville
2. Orem
3. Provo (same place as orem practically I know...)
4. Centerville again
5. MAGNA (which I just learned isn't even a's technically "Magna Township" quaint right??? come visit!)
5 Jobs I have had....
1. Veiwmont Child Care Center
2. Clean Flicks Edited Movie Club
3. Hostess @ Carrabbas
4. Express (limited brand clothing store)
5. Adventure Time Child Care
1. Tina
2. Marie
3. Bronwynn
4. Heather
5. Shavonne
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
halloween open house invite

Saturday, September 27, 2008
As a work in progress
so if you ever consider doing your own hard wood-we are now certifiably experts. I think. just know that all in all it was SOOO worth it because every morning when we get up and get to walk on our floors we know that we broke our own backs (as well as my parent's) to make them this beautiful, and we saved about $2,000.
Monday, September 22, 2008
as promised.
Kitchen cabinets Wall #1. My beautiful stove again...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
drum roll please:
Monday, August 25, 2008
lay the kid down already...poor guy.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
eh hem.
ps. anyone that doesn't have a copy and would like to read it is welcome to my copy.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
signing our life away??? maybe not.
Also thanks to sami and emily's posts about grandpa romney I bawled my eyes out... and wasn't going to do a post of my own because I can't type if my contacts are floating around my eyeballs... but I think I'm okay now. I do just have to say that it was really the neatest experience the morning he died. I was en route to virginia's house when I felt like I needed to call my dad and see if there was anything he needed before I arrived (I was about 10 blocks away). He answered the phone and told me that he had just passed away a few minutes ago and he just needed us here. I can truly attest that the spirit has been in close proximity to all the romney hearts this week, constantly comforting and reminding us that grandpa is in a much better place, probably riding his horses again. We all were just able to sit in his room with his empty body and recount memories and stories of grandpa, and really take in the fact that we have a clear understanding that he was no longer there, and that he is comfortable now. We really appreciate all the prayers that have been offered in our behalf. We also have had the opportunity to learn more from the amazing example of testimony from grandpa. My dad was talking about when Grandpa was young he would read scriptures with Aunt Evalou and make sure that she had understood what was meant in each scripture that they had talked about in church that day. how many of us would take the opportunity to RE-read scriptures we had discussed in church? I thought that was a very heart warming picture considering the first thing I do after church is run to get the dress off and pants on. We'll miss grandpa romney a lot but we'll see him shortly, after all this life is but a blink of an eye. Grandpa passed away at 11:00 am 8/8/08.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
House hunting

Very cute house. However, the street that this particular house was on to phrase this nicely...terrifying? not really terrifying, just the fact that there was an older gentleman going through the garbage in front of the house that yelled to us (in a kinda pissed off, angry at the world type tone) that no one was ever ever going to buy that house on that street for $185,000. (we didn't because of that dude and his garbage fettish, so in that sense he was correct)
We looked at another one just down the way from the first one that was really a cute little built in 1915 number.

It had been refurbished very nicely, but unfortunately the basement was a definite no no. There was some warping on the walls so we knew there had been water damage at somepoint but who knows if it was ever fixed. And jack was scared of the rodent possibility considering the area underneath the stairs was completely open to some of the creepiest crawl/storage spaces known to civilization.
The next home was also just down the way and was built in 1917,

the ad was very promising considering it was $129,900 4 bed 1 bath, new paint, new carpet, new waterheater, new gas stove, new shingles...blah blah blah. Those things may or may not have been new at one point but certainly not at this date. Full of mildewy smells, one of the bedrooms they were considering to be a "bedroom" was literally 4 ft wide X 7 ft long, with a closet occupying a good 2 X 2 ft area. Bedroom? I think not. The rest of the house was totally trashed either by squatters or the last owners condering it was now the bank's posession they may have thought "we'll show them for kicking us out."
Anywho with those houses out of the way the last home we went through was thrilling!

Built in 1952 the owner was a finish work carpenter, so he was constantly bettering the home and fixing anything close to a problem. There's a swing set a workshop, and a little wood shed that would eventually become a kids playhouse considering there is already a wood shed off the workshop closer to the house. It has 5 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, a storage room, and a large family room.They were the only owners of the home, both have passed away, and now the kids are selling the home. It has this AMAZING stove:

it's called a wedgewood stove, they were built in the fifties, after searching on the net I've found several web pages entitled "dream stoves" or "antique stoves" where they refurbish these old stoves and sell them for upwards of $4,000!!! Needless to say we've put in an offer, and hopefully things will move forward from here. Cross your fingers for us!! If all goes well plan on a paint party, or possibly refinishing the hardwood floors underneath the carpeting...ha ha. Let me know if any of you know anything about refinishing floors.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
the giant giant giant news:
TA DA. crazy #2 on the way come february 26th 2009. Corban will be about 26 months old, and who knows if I can get a girl out of this then I can be done with the constant nausea forever?!?! *wishfull thinking I guess* and the second part of the giant giant giant news:
We are in the 'home stretch' so to speak: we've been pre aproved for a home loan, now we can be serious about shopping. Who's ready for some house painting parties?? yay. Anywho our trip to california was a major blast. Corban had so much fun playing with all his cousins. He even knows all their names now, and randomly will shout out "lyyyyssssaaaa" (he doesn't put and A at the front of alysa's name). One of his favorite people though was GG. Jack's Nana, Betty Southgate. Every morning he would shout at the top of his lungs "Hi GG!!" when she was wheeled out to the living room.
Last but not least: corban's latest mess:
he decided some good quality potting soil would really compliment his blonde locks...and his complextion.
Oh, and as a total side note, anyone with advice on training my stupid sam to not eat inedible object would be much appreciated. Last things he's eaten? our pool, the pump, the pool pump tubing, the electrical cord to our pool, some russian nesting dolls, our ipod car charger...I think that does it for the last week. lame I know. he's on house arrest right now. have a good week all!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Get Ready.....
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
holy computer illiterate.
Hope you enjoyed the pics. just as an fyi jack and I now have a little CTR 5 class that we teach on sundays so any helpful lesson ideas are a definite plus! :)
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Peice of me: Brittney Spears
Sunday, May 25, 2008
not my fault really.
*EDIT* so corban just saw this post and went breserk! "DANNOL! DANNOL!" he could care less if he's in it...he's just such a big daniel fan. ha ha.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Happy Cinco De Mayo (a day late...)
Drum roll...Corban can suck out of a straw now!!! Halleluja!!! (ha...I bet you all thought it was something different...) that is my news plus and I had a job interview yesterday at a salon here in centerville called Modifi. all I have to do now for the job is go in and do a cut and style to show her I'm not a total loss. ha ha. so now any of you that are hankerin for a cut or color or something fun I'll have 2-3 days a week in the salon that I'd be more than happy to help out with your cosmetology needs. I think that's about it other than just some catch up stuff like, we went to a UVU vs. BYU baseball game yesterday with the updikes and had a blast. even though they waited in line for 6 innings for their hot dogs lame. We sat on the grass and it was a totally fun fam night activity. I cleaned out our cute little prizm from jack's grandpa and it really spiffed up nicely. I think I'm going to send the honda with jack from now on ;) Have a good week. it's may, it's sunny, there's no reason to not have a good week (look at it that way, because there's too many things that you can be unhappy about.)
oh, last thing, I was checkin some other blogs and rusti has come across this guy that does these videos that are hilarious so I'd suggest checking her blog out and watching the "Nothing box" post.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Oi vey....
my son is a nutter. a mad man. a crazy. whatever your favorite description of these words are would suffice I'm sure. He has discovered a new game: pull Sam's tail-he nips ever so gently at Corban's hand to say 'watch it bub'-and he laughs and laughs and laughs. I need to rephrase the beginning of that sentence to say: he discovers new and crazy games EVERY DAY. Take for instance when I was making fudgey rice crispies (not worth the pain in my opinion)...He wanted to bake as well, so he started pulling things out of the cupboards that don't have child locks on them such as: 2 muffin tins, a large colander, a huge pot, the electric hand mixer (he even makes the little noises when he's playing with it) oh and a giant lid that makes the most horrid loud noises when he slams it on the floor. He also quite recently has to tell every one "right back" and hold his hand out as if he's going to tell you to "talk to the hand" because he wants you to know he's going to come right back. Sometimes that's all he'll do. He'll walk up to my dad "right back" (hand goes up) then walk away. He turns the corner, then comes right back and says hello. he's such a goof off. It's not that he's being really obnoxious or anything, it's just a ton of work, and a lot of cleaning because he's making messes faster than I can clean them up even if I do have him help clean up.
Oh, side note, Jack is officially at Knight Transportation. He started Monday, and loves it. He says it's stressful work, but doesn't look like it's nearly as stressful as the restaurant business. He leaves at the literal butt crack of dawn (5:45 am) but gets home around 6 so that is just stinkin lovely! we've really been shocked by these regular people hours but I'm pretty sure that we're almost adjusted.
Any who, I'm pretty sure that Corban, and Sam have me busy enough for two moms let a lone little old me. Corban thinks it's really fun to give Sam treats, or steal his treats, or his toys and I get to hover to make sure that Sam doesn't just haul off and bite Corban because it's the last straw or something. Sam is doing really really well for only being a year old (we found out his birthday was the 30Th of April) He even knows that if he steals something back from Corban he'd better just go straight to his kennel or suffer the wrath of mom. ;) well, I'd better save some of Corban's nap time to do something productive. just thought I'd vent for a min.
ps. if anyone wants to shoot me an email that can tell me how to change all the background stuff on my page I'd love to ravamp the ugliness of this page.
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Can you beleive this is a Marc Jacobs dress? Maybe I'll pull this one off instead:
Sunday, April 13, 2008
It's official
Monday, March 31, 2008
Ode to my hubby.
anywho, I strayed off this page for a bit to look up some random stuff on the web and found a few interesting tid bits that people might have interest in if you are planning any road trips, or anything Disney related. The first three are all part of one article I believe. I just love how this lady writes, and the last one is the Disney one. enjoy.
Web surfin' USA. in my vote: best road trip idea EVER...Foodie road trip. Ways to do a road trip without breaking the bank. A road map to back seat peace. Discounts for all things Disney.
Monday, March 24, 2008
New Tricks
Thursday, March 20, 2008
One more thing
Good Vs. Evil
Good: sitting in the rocking chair, snuggling up with his blanket. smiling and kinda babbling under his pacifier.
I took the picture because I was so pleased with how sweet, calm, and just plain good he was being.
not 7 minutes later: same rocking chair, same child, not same attitude.
Bad: dumping out my little herb green house. (The one that I've been growing and nourishing since the end of January...the one that I was going to photograph tonight to prove I wasn't killing something green... instead I'm showing the scene of the crime.)I promise...I was taking care of those little plants and corban loved helping me water the "babies" every day, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't sabotage, but I was so proud that I hadn't killed them or anything! "ahh! my babies! my poor, poor, little poopsies." (ha, I've always wanted to use that line. name the movie)
The Larsens
Make your Stick Figure Family at