Time to catch up:
he was beside himself with glee, and so was I because I had some home made fudge from Grandma (Thanks again grandma!). When we came home we made oreo shakes (another tie in the back when we were first dating) and let corban try some, he was kind of in heaven...the lights...the oreos...the ice cream... he was impressed to say the least. All in all it was a perfect evening. 
Jack didn't have to work until three today so he worked his guts off helping me clean the apartment and giving me a break from the Corban Monster (I'll explain that in a sec.). Just so that I wouldn't worry about it tonight after the baby shower I threw for jack's boss' wife Julie. The shower went well when people actually came...A lot didn't show up until 4:15 (considering the shower started at 3:00 I thought that was odd). We played some games and gave out prizes, it was nice and Jean so graciously watched corban for me so I didn't have to worry about him getting into trouble with all the balloons and gifts everywhere, he would have been nuts. That's about it tonight other than the fact that I may order a pizza because that's what I'm craving but it's only me and corban here so that may be detrimental to my weight... who knows. Back to friday.
So I gave corban another cold...not on purpose but you know how it goes. anyway, it settled into his lungs agian so he's back on the inhaler thing three times a day, in addition to some asthma medication called singulair, and some steroids for a short stint of help. He'll be on the singulair through the winter, probably until march so that he's less likely to have this happen after every cold he gets. I would say he's a poor little guy, but yesterday he was a monster, not like a cute monster that you'd feel bad for, but the bad kind. Yelling, throwing toys, clinching his teeth and huffing and puffing through them ALLLL day long. oi. he was a pill. He's being much nicer now. Jack thinks it's the steroids because it was just so uncharacteristic of him to act like that all day, luckily his last dose of that is tonight.
Thursday night:
Jack and I had been wanting to go on an actual DATE sometime this week because he proposed to me the day after thanksgiving three years ago and he had promised that he would let me read his journal that he had written in while we were dating (he had been hidding it since we were married because he's a die hard romantic and wanted to let me read it in a cute way). So jack got off work at 5 and we had a babysitter, Amber, come over at six so jack and I could go to dinner. We went to Costa Vida (similar to Cafe Rio) with some giftcards (YAY for free stuff!!) and ate some yummy mexican food. Jack even got all nervous just like back when we were dating and dropped our tray of Chips to go with the Queso. It was too cute how he reacted after he had dropped it, it was almost identical to the facial expression he had on our first date ever when he spilled something down his shirt. It's not like he's a clumsy guy by any means and to drop something off a tray of food is remarkable considering his skills he developed as a server at carrabba's. I finally got to read his journal, it was really cute, and sincere, and I found out just how soon he'd decided that he'd need to "convince her(me) to marry me(him)". It was a great great date, and to top it off Grandma Anderson had a free pass to do the thanksgiving lights that night so we picked corban up so he could see them (they're not that entertaining for adults but they're cute). We drove through the lights at like 2 mph with corban on my lap in the passenger seat of the car,
Wow - his hair is suddenly really long! Love the pic with all the chocolate on his face! Sounds like you guys had a great date! What a sweet husband you've got there! Hope to see you at the Christmas party - we're planning on it! :)
That's a bummer about the singulair. RJ took that for a while. Hopefully you won't have to go through the same thing next year.
How fun that you got to read his journal! That's rare you get a glimpse at someones thoughts from a special time.
Awww... that is so sweet manda!! I love it! Jack is just too much of a cutie!
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