Saturday, October 13, 2007

So....blogging huh?

Everyone seems to be blogging these days so why not me? Like afore (sp?) mentioned there's a mess; I don't enjoy cleaning (especially since I really went to town cleaning yesterday...), and I'm a great procrastinator. So, the baby's asleep, Jack's still at Carrabba's, and I'm putting my foot down about this cleaning thing. Viola! a new hobby is born. I think that I'd like to add a recipe sharing section to this site but because I'm new to this game it'll have to wait until I figure out more of it. Let me know if you know how (you being anyone that actually decides to read this waste of my time). Any who, I'm going to fiddle around some more with what the site actually looks like. Arivaderchi (again with the sp?).


Tina said...

You are too cute Amanda! I have a blog that I started but then it bloomed into this whole web I still might use the blog though :) can't wait to see all the things you post!

Amanda, Jack, Corban, Gabe, Chloe, and Rigby said...

ha I need to see your blog. You've gotta help me out with some of the tech stuff...I'm how you say...cpu illiterate.

Emily said...

Corban is such a doll!!! Welcome to the world of blogging! ;)

Sara said...

Hi Amanda,
This is Sara, Devon's wife.
Devon just forwarded me your blog and it's so cute!! I can't believe how fast Corban is growing. He is adorable! Welcome to the wonderful world of solids....hahaha!! I will be sure to send you some updated pics of Aidan as well. We'll be sure to keep in touch!

The Larsens