Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Christmas 2008

So this is a catch up post. Here are our Christmas 2008 Photos.

Corban sitting on santa's lap...not really happy about it and we weren't really super impressed with santa's attitude that day either...
Looking at the Oakland Temple Lights with all the cousins! From left to right starting with the back row: Evan, Madison, Caden, Alysa, Dawson, Jackson, and Corban.
Jack Corban, and I and Baby Gabey in the belly, in front of the view from the Oakland Temple grounds. Lets not talk about the's leaving now so we just don't have to worry about this picture.
The cousin's all excited about the Oakland Temple Lights.

The Oakland Temple Christmas lights, with the Nativity.Frosting cookies for santa...or corban.
The plate of cookies for santa and a carrot for the reindeer.
Hanging his stocking above the fireplace with care.
Before the Mayhem began...
Then we all got there aren't many other photos. Let me just sum it up in a few words. Throw up Everywhere. Fa la la la la la la la la. Happy Holidays :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Scary mask. PG13

Okay so I told some of you about my mom's client that goes all out for halloween? and how he did this little spook alley show of sorts where he dressed up as a mad scientist and his teenage son dressed up as his...masterpiece? and how corban LOVED IT??? and for weeks afterwards he would ask if he could "touch the scary mask agian"? if you would like to see how messed up that mask was you can scroll down...(possibly hide it from children because it is really the scariest thing ever.)

oh and before you go "oh that's kinda scary-not too bad..." imagine it dark, and the thing is breathing kinda shallow and notice the candy that you're supposed to grab....

and please don't have nightmares because of me...

there's also a short video on their neighbors web page if you'd care to take a gander: under the previous posts click the "halloween night" link. corban wouldn't quit asking me to play the 47 second clip over and over and over and saying: "Should we touch it???" in his most high, shrill, excited voice that he can muster... maybe I'll take some video to prove this...I just proof read this and it really sounds far fetched for a two year old.... or just really really messed up. who knows.

Monday, January 19, 2009

so there I was...

about to do a brand new background and a brand spankin new post and amaze you all with how beautiful the new page looked and WHAMO! none of the things I downloaded after sifting through crazy ugly pages worked. They all had "unfixable errors" or some crud that I don't know enough to fix. lame. I did get all the christmas photos loaded into the computer and started fixing them up...but I'm tired. and not done at all. so no pics. no new background. I'm still alive though.

and ps. this pregnancy is still going on...much to my dismay and the insomnia of jack...cross your fingers for like two weeks early okay??? for me??? and for my husbands sleep??? I'm not kidding. he'll get more sleep when this baby is out of my tummy than when it's in here because I'm apparently abusive as a pregnant sleeping person...

The Larsens